Sri Vageesha Vidhyashram Senior Secondary CBSE School
Welcome to Sri Vageesha Vidhyashram Senior Secondary CBSE School! We would like to extend a hearty welcome to all of you, both students and parents. Hopefully, your child will find this coming year to be both exciting and challenging as he/she explores a variety of new learning experiences.

Enhanced facilities
School Bus
Sri Vageesha Vidhyashram provides bus facility to all children. All buses are clean, very well maintained and are designed as per the government rules. Our buses are fitted with speed monitoring and GPS location tracking devices.
School Library
Sri Vageesha Vidhyashram provides a large library with many curriculum and other books from various subjects. The students are expected to read as many books as possible. A dedicated librarian is available for any assistance to the students.
Health Care
Health check up like eye, dental, E.N.T. etc., will be done every year. Students who fall sick during working hours will be rendered first. A dedicated nurse is available on campus for urgent needs.